Jan 17, 2019
In his article, Gaming the System, How the misuse of data impedes innovation, Ken Miller, founder of the Change & Innovation Agency, a firm dedicated to increasing government’s capacity to do more good, writes:
“Public sector has invested great hope and massive fortunes in the promises of performance management. From dashboards and scorecards to STAT systems and big data platforms, we’ve bought into the idea that “what gets measured gets done” and if we want better results, we need to hold people accountable for the achievement of measurable goals. But after all this time and investment, what have we really achieved? Has all of this measurement produced great insights and innovations? Has performance management increased engagement and overhauled performance?”
These are all great questions that give us lots to think on.
In this episode of CGE Radio, J. Richard Jones talks with Ken Miller and also Craig Szelestowski of Lean Agility Inc. about measurement and accountability in government. To learn more about this, you can hear directly from Ken as he will be presenting at the Lean Government Summit, which will be held at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa on Jan 24-25.
To register, go to http://leanagility.com/en/leangovernmentsummit_2019.